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Esplanade granite public sculpture
Public granite sculpture produced for Weidner CA located in Lincoln California. Large scale with the tallest granite sculpture at a height of ten foot six inches.
Esplinade Granite public sculpture
Sculptor: Stephen Bouska. Italian Statuary Marble. 18" x 18" x 12". 2016. Photo credit: Peter Schifrin.
Tullee is a life-size carving in Italian statuary marble. Currently on Exhibit at the Brookgreen sculpture Gardens in South Carolina.
Sculptor: Stephen Bouska. Italian Statuary Marble. 72" x 36" x 36". 2016. On Exhibit- Brook Green Gardens. Photo credit Stephen Bouska
Lion Keystone
Sculptor: Stephen Bouska. Cast and carved plaster with patina. 24" x 24" x 12". 2015. Photo Credit Stephen Bouska
John Muir
sculptor: Stephen Bouska. Bronze. 30" x 18" x 15". 2017. $18,000.00. Photo credit: Peter Schifrin.
Calcutta Marble sculpture portrait bust.
Jack Dempsy
Sculptor: Stephen Bouska. Carrara Marble sculpture. 18" x 16" x 12". 2015. Photo Credit Stephen Bouska.
New Life
Statuary Marble intuitive abstract Sculpture
The next one- Dez
The next portrait in production and a view of the shop and process of measuring from the plaster model into the block of Marble using a Pointing Machine.